
The story of Brunton so far (July 2015)

This branch of the Sweets centres around Ardrossan, Ayrshire, Scotland. The male lead of this line is Robert Sweet. I have not yet found Robert’s birth date, place or parents. He is a ship’s master and so perhaps he is not from the Ardrossan area originally. (The marriage banns quote “of this parish” however that could have been in the immediate period prior to marriage). He died on a ship, the Blanche Moore of the Black Ball clipper line, in 1858. The Blanche Moore plied between Liverpool and Melbourne carrying emigrants. There was an agent in Glasgow for this shipping line and Ardrossan was an important port at the time. So it is just possible that he was from outside the area, married Elizabeth and started a Sweet line in Ardrossan.

There are some mysteries, quite apart from who is Robert. Elizabeth and her children (except John Brunton Sweet) are missing from the 1871 census in Scotland and England: where were they? John Brunton Sweet is staying with friends in Glasgow but no sight of Elizabeth. Also, if I have the right Robert Sweet marrying Elizabeth, and he died in 1858, then who is the father of Ann Green Sweet born in 1867? (I don’t have a birth record for her).

It is unlikely that this Robert Sweet is connected to my family but I leave this post in case someone else researching Sweet can advise me otherwise, to this may at least be useful to them.


Click here to view the chart for this branch in a new window.